Professional Development & Mentoring | Phil Baldey

Professional Development needs to have context, and be relevant

Professional Development can take many forms.  The common one is to throw an individual on a training course.  Less utilised is one on one coaching which I have found to be extremely effective.  Performance Management by an individuals manager can also be effective if it is used as a growth tool rather than a punitive measure.  Unfortunately Performance Management is usually used as a last resort, and often with a desired outcome of exit underlying it! 

My experience tells me that the key areas for development in a professional sense tend not to be around subject matter specific to the role, but more the personal and team management skills relating to leadership, management,  communication, productivity, and delegation.  Style and execution are key in all regards.  With a background spanning numerous industries, I am able to connect with an individual on a subject matter basis and then deal with what I consider a 'business as usual' approach to doing one's job.